9 Feb 2014

Do you see where I'm coming from?

This blog is not easy for me to write. I am never keen to highlight my failings. I think it is important to give a full picture when talking about a situation though, so that is why I feel the need to post this blog. So, to the point!

In my late teens / early twenties, whilst attending university, I reached my lowest weight ever and was a dress size 12 / 14. From then onwards, my weight has been my worst enemy and has steadily increased. There have been brief moments where it has gone down a little or levelled out for a while, but as of my last weigh in on 14th January 2014, I need to lose 101 pounds to get back to my weight at 22.

Don't get me wrong, I know I will never look the same as I did back then, even if I am the same weight. I'll have a lot more wrinkles for one thing! I still want to achieve that weight though. I also want to reach the best fitness level that I can and basically just feel happy in my own skin!

I do think I am putting more pressure on myself than someone who has never been slim, but I can't help myself. I never meant to gain weight and I hate myself for losing control like I have. Now I want to regain that control and achieve happiness in myself once again. 

I know how a picture can say a thousand words, so here's a comparison picture of me at ages 22 and 35. I look forward to adding a third picture to this when I reach my goals!

Hopefully now, when I write my future posts, you will see where I am coming from. 

Michelle x

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. Fessing up and posting pics is a great motivator. You just need to make one small change at a time and you'll getto your goal!
