19 Apr 2014

Where do I go from here?

Despite my last post being so positive, I'm sorry to say that I haven't been feeling that great this last while. 

It's easy to say that I am still grieving after the passing of my Nana in March. I'm sure there is an element of that involved, but I'm not going to say it's 100% down to that. 

Since I failed to get the job I applied for in work, I've found it difficult to feel as settled in my current job. I just had myself too geared up for moving on and really want to move on now! I have, however, come around to the idea that it would be fine to stay within my current team, for a number of reasons. Firstly, I've got great hours and as flexible a working pattern as I could hope to get. Secondly, I love being the Stationery Officer and I wouldn't be guaranteed to do that in another team. Thirdly, using the same payroll system as I currently use would give me a better starting point in a new post. 

So basically, I just want to move on to a different client's payroll. We have a new client going live in July. I'd love to be involved with that, because there would be no precedent to work to and I could put my own stamp on how we deal with them admin-wise. 

I have a meeting with my manager (step up the ladder from my team leader) on 30th April and I am hoping that this will give me the opportunity to ask about moving. I was going to send an email to my team leader about it, but then I realised that in person I can better gauge the situation and make sure that I'm not burning any bridges or anything. 

Hopefully sorting out my work situation will help me to feel better in myself. For a few months work has been the only thing I felt confident about, so losing that feeling has left me feeling lost with regards to my purpose in life. 

I also need to sort out my health. For the last couple of weeks, I've felt dizzy quite frequently and also had particularly aching muscles. I was wondering if the dizziness was my blood pressure increasing despite my medication, so I am trying to cut down on my salt intake - crisps had become a regular part of my diet recently, which was never a good move! 

The muscle thing, I don't really have an explanation for. All I can do is try to start doing stretching exercises as well as walking more often. Eventually I would love to start yoga or pilates, but as with everything, I'm taking small steps. 

This blog is a bit of a jumble, but it is helping me to make sense of how I feel and where I go from here to feel better. 

  • Job
  • Diet
  • Exercise
  • Positive thinking
Simple, right?

Michelle x

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