- My brilliant blue eyes - they shine so beautifully when it's sunny or I'm particularly happy!
- My smile - I remember being told on several occasions on nights out that I should smile more because it suits me. I agree with this notion, but you have to earn it ;)
- My loyalty - I'm very much a home bird and couldn't be without my family and close friends. Living away from my family has been a steep learning curve which still continues even now. My loyalty goes on regardless of proximity though.
- My sense of humour - it can be quite wicked at times, but if you "get" it, you'll probably like it!
- My ability to always see good in people - I mean always! Some would call it nieveity, I'd just call it having a good heart :)
- My intelligence - ok, so I'm not Oxbridge material and I am useless at retaining general facts, but what I know, I know well and I didn't get my degree in Business & Quality Management just for looking pretty ;)
- My feminine form - ok, it's somewhat out of shape right now, but when I'm in form, I love my curvy shape!
- My romantic view of the world - not always practical, but it helps me sleep at night and gives me hope for a better future for everyone :)
- My open-mindedness - despite my sheltered childhood, I try my best to never discriminate against any type of person because I do not like to feel discriminated against myself.
- My love of colour - as tempting as it is to hide in black every day, I can't help but be attracted to colourful clothes and accessories, which I think brightens life up for everyone around me :)
That's me - feel free to have a go at writing your own list! ;)
Michelle x
Lovw this blog! Very positive and ulifting! :)