6 Mar 2014

Eye-opener? You bet!

The last 10 days or so have been pretty stressful. My hubby was taken ill and we didn't know what was wrong. He was off his food, had an upset stomach far worse than his usual IBS symptoms, had a fever but felt cold. Then one night whilst downstairs, he fainted from standing. I knew nothing about this until he came round and got upstairs and called me from the bathroom. I'm surprised that even woke me, because I do sleep like a log! I couldn't believe what he told me and was happy for him to stay at his parents' for the next few nights, as they would be more aware of noises. 

On Friday, he fainted in their bathroom in the early hours. That was the last straw and his parents took him to the emergency doctor, then our GP and finally the A&E in the hospital. As someone who avoids blood tests at all cost, having two in one morning doubled his previous lifetime tally! The conclusion was gastroenteritis with dehydration which had caused the fainting. 


To think that dehydration could cause that really struck home and I've been trying to drink more ever since. Hubby was given the choice of drinking more or getting a drip, so of course he chose to drink more! He got some tablets and some Dioralyte solution to settle his stomach and replace lost electrolytes, etc. He also got a week's sick line to stay off work. 

So yes, the whole episode has been a real eye opener to me.

Lesson one - it is really important to stay hydrated!

Lesson two - absolutely anything could happen in our house at night and I would sleep through it!! Perhaps we need more security measures?

Lesson three - we have to get our priorities sorted. As I've said to hubby, first health, second holidays, third work. I don't know if it will come to fruition or not, but I really hope so! We can't have him, or me, getting so run down again. 

Of course, getting on top of our weight issues will make a big difference, but that is not going to happen overnight. So it's all about small steps in the right direction. Keep drinking plenty of water / diluting juice every day. Minimise the number of take aways we eat (they could be the cause of the gastroenteritis). Be more active. 

Lesson four - NEVER take loved ones for granted! Illness can strike so easily and no-one knows how it will turn out. So if you love someone, let them know it as often as possible!

Michelle x


  1. Sounds like this was a real eye opener that has allowed you to get your prorities in the right order!

  2. Hi honey, I thought I'd spread some love your way :) I really like your blog and have nominated you for the Leibster Award over on my blog. Please let me know if you do the post :)
