I realised on the 1st January that the length of time until our holiday to Benidorm was the same as the length of the holiday. As I said to hubby, I wonder which will pass the quickest!
January for us is always a strange month, in that everyone around us has the post-festivities blues and we are excited and looking forward to getting away. There is always a hint of panic involved – getting work done in time and getting everything we need to go away – but it is mostly an exciting month for us.
So, for the next couple of weeks I will be trying really hard to eat healthily and do a bit of exercise, to put me in the best form possible for our holiday. We walk A LOT when we are away, you see. I hate being the one with no stamina, slowing everything down!
[If you are wondering why we walk so much on holiday but not at home, it is simply down to two things: no time pressures and a much nicer climate! In recent years, we have considered the possibility of moving to Benidorm for the mental and physical health benefits it would bring us. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be a cheap decision, so for now we are just carrying on as we are and when we can, we will start to save up. Saving up doesn’t automatically mean the move will happen, but it will give us the opportunity should we wish to take it.]
One of the main changes I need to make, which is not that difficult, is increasing my water consumption. I can honestly say that it is down to laziness that I don’t drink enough. I drink no added sugar squash more than just water these days, but it still counts in my mind. The benefits of drinking more water can be plentiful, such as clearer skin and everything just functioning better. The problems caused by dehydration can be pretty serious in some cases, but it is often overlooked. Here is a link to some symptoms of dehydration - from mild to severe (which can in extreme cases lead to death!). I think it is pretty common knowledge that the recommended amount of water to drink is 2 litres a day. If I am honest, I probably average about 1 litre a day! On Thursday, I tried to hit the 2 litres target and all I can say is, it gave me added exercise too, because I had to keep going to the loo! The beaker I use in work is 0.33l, so I think on an average day I will try to drink 4 beakers during the work day plus whatever I can outside of work. It won’t amount to 2 litres, but it will be more than I have been drinking. Small changes are always key! :)
The other thing I need to do, which will be more of a challenge, is exercise. I don’t mind walking, but as I’ve said, the climate at home is not really right for it. I really just need to find some good exercises I can do at home to loosen the muscles and strengthen the joints. Hubby got me some Fitflop sandals for Christmas, which I will wear on holiday. Hopefully they will go a long way towards toning my legs if we do the amount of walking that we usually do whilst away.
I always had nice legs when I was a teenager – I remember friend V telling me as much on a night out when I was wearing my mini A-line skirt (with tights), bless her! I would have to attribute that to the walking I did. Recently, I have found that they are finding their shape again around the calves, which is great! The thighs are another matter, but they just need extra work and I am planning to do that in the course of the year.
Yes, walking has definitely played an important part in my life in the past and I would love to get back into it now. I just need to deal with the weather! As an asthmatic, I have a weaker immune system than average, so a bit of rain can cause me a lot of trouble. I think it is fair to say that the Emerald Isle is not green because it has sunshine everyday! I think I will devise an indoor exercise routine and then just walk when the weather suits me, as an extra activity. That might just work! :)
Of course, food is another major area where I need to improve, but I am not going to get too bogged down in that until after the holiday. As long as I have the energy to do my exercises and can stick to reasonable portions, I will be fine for now. I love the fresh produce available in Spain, especially the tomatoes as big as our oranges! Since we are staying in a self-catering apartment, we have every excuse for trying things too, which will be great fun!
So yes, I will cover food in more detail at a later date. For now, I am focused on water consumption and exercise. Roll on the 18th! :)
Michelle x
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