31 Dec 2013

Here comes 2014!

Although I have several goals for the coming year, I do have one overall New Year's Resolution:

To be more proactive

That basically sums up all of my goals and intentions for the coming year. If you know me at all, you will know that I can have an extremely passive nature. This can be a positive in situations where it would be easy to get annoyed and overreact, but in some situations it is a definite negative. 

Whilst learning to drive, I've heard some things from my instructor about my driving which I have been able to apply to my life in general. One of those things is, I am too keen to wait and see what happens then react, instead of making things happen how I want them to. This is what I mean by needing to be more proactive. In a nutshell, I have to take control of my destiny!

As I am a sucker for a list, here is a list of my main goals for 2014:
  • Pass my driving test
  • Improve my health & fitness and reach my goal dress size in the process
  • Take up a hobby for relaxation (currently considering cross stitch)
  • Keep in regular contact with family & friends
  • Write regular blogs - about my goals, life in general & things completely unrelated :)
  • Learn about doing things to improve my self esteem
So, it only remains for me to wish you (providing anyone actually reads this!) a very happy New Year! May your dreams come true and your loved ones love you back :)

Michelle x

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