10 Jun 2014


I've been off work for a couple of days after coming down with the cold last week. You might be thinking, why would I take time off work with a cold? Well, as an asthmatic, when I get a cold it can really knock me for six, especially when it is on my chest and affects my breathing. As well as struggling to breathe, I was also suffering a high temperature which was making me feel icky and not wanting to eat very much. This led to me feeling weak and feeble. 

So, on Monday I spent a lot of the day in bed "sweating it out", after doing my morning weigh in of course (I'll be back to that soon). Then I got up for the evening and ate a bit. I went to bed with a Lemsip. I think it really helped because I had a good night's sleep. I still felt weak this morning though so I decided to stay off work another day and build up my strength.

I'm feeling much better today and I mean mentally as well as physically. I've seen a lot of media (tv programmes & internet posts) lately that have made me realise just how lucky I have been in life. They also made me realise that I am destroying myself and only I have the power to change that. 

Yes, I did say destroying myself! It's not as obvious as some self destruction methods, but it will have the same net result if I let it continue. But guess what? I'm not going to! 

Yesterday's weigh in showed that my weight had not altered at all since last Monday. Very disappointing! I still want to lose 4 lbs by 23rd, but I don't think it's going to happen. So I am going to say I will be delighted to lose anything at all in the next two weeks! 

I'm sure you're wondering why this post is titled "Hallelujah!" - well, it's because I feel like I've had a Eureka moment! I have realised that I must focus on doing exercise. My eating is not too terrible, although I know it has room for improvement, but exercise is what is going to make the difference. 

So I took the first steps today and I did 1 minute of walking in place. Trust me, it was harder than it sounds! I'm hoping I can increase by 1 minute each day. I am sure there will come a point when I can't increase any more, but at least I will be doing something! 

This is my journey of self improvement and I have to do it my way! 

M x

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