Time is passing so quickly nowadays! The last week hasn't been too bad though. I found out that my payroll controller who I've been paired with for the last year is being moved to another payroll. I also found out that his replacement is to be the guy I was hoping it would be - he's an old hand & also has a good personality, so I think it will be good fun! The changes are not happening until July though, so plenty of time to get prepared.
On Thursday the in laws returned from their holidays. It's good to have them back, but I can't say it's the greatest atmosphere between them. I'm hoping it passes soon.
Because of this happening on Thursday, I'd swapped my day off and was working on Friday. I was pleasantly surprised how refreshed I felt after a day out of the office. I'm almost tempted to ask to take off Wednesdays instead of Fridays, but it wouldn't be the most practical of ideas.
On Saturday morning I had my first driving lesson in about 3 weeks. It went quite well overall. My instructor reckons that having a break from it can sometimes help. I don't know if he's right or not, but I'm happy with how I'm doing. I just need to improve my general clutch control. My instructor's mate is going to do a mock test with me on Friday morning to see how near to test-ready he thinks I am. I'm both excited and nervous about this! To think I could be so close to never having a lesson again, it's hard to believe!
Today I slept too much, as hubby was at work. I hate myself when I do that. There's so much I could be doing instead! When I did get up, I managed to finish washing the dishes and also tidied up a little. Not nearly as much as I wanted to, but my back has been a bit sore and doing the dishes made it worse.
Despite everything generally going in the right direction, I've still been in a bit of turmoil lately. You see, I just can't find it in me to make the changes I need to for the sake of my health. I don't know, maybe if I can get the driving and the house sorting finished, I'll have more head space to think about it. I'm going to try and get them both done by the end of June anyway. I'll then have 3 months before our holiday to Italy to improve my fitness, which is better than nothing!
I guess I need to try to deal with one or two battles at a time, in order to eventually win the war!
Have a great week!
M x
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